Electromagnetic Field Theory
Week 1 - Mathematical Preliminaries
Revisions on vectors, orthogonal coordinate systems and vector calculus.
Learning Materials
Week 2 - Electrostatic Fields: Source and Coulomb's Law
Introduction to electric charge distributions and resultant charge densities. Application of the Coulomb’s law in the determination of electric field intensity for line charge and surface charge distributions.
Learning Materials
Week 3 - Electrostatic Fields: Flux Density and Divergence Theorem
Introduction to the electric flux density. Application of Gauss’s law to calculate the electric field intensity for symmetric charge distributions. Introduction to divergence concept and the Divergence theorem.
Chapter 4, Page 134
Chapter 4, Page 123
Learning Materials
Week 4 - Electrostatic Fields: Potential Difference and Electric Energy
Introduction to the concept of potential difference and absolute potential. Coverage on the method of calculating energy storage in a field. Introduction to the idea of Energy Exchange, Gradient and Energy within a system of charges.
Chapter 4, Page 144, 156
Chapter 4, Page 132, 144
Learning Materials
Week 5 - Electrostatic Fields: Electrostatic Field in a Medium
Introduction to the concept of current and Ohm’s law in valuing resistance. Observation on the effect of conductor and dielectric materials under the influence of an electric field. Application of the dielectric – dielectric boundary condition. Introduction to the concept of capacitance.
Learning Materials
Week 6 - Electrostatic Fields: Laplace’s and Poisson’s Equations
Introduction to the uniqueness theorem. Solution of electrostatic problems with Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.
Chapter 6, Page 226
Chapter 6, Page 207
Learning Materials
Week 7 - Magnetostatic Fields: Source and Biot-Savart's Law
Application of the Biot-Savart’s law to determine the magnetic field intensity for arbitrary current distributions including filamentary, surface and volume currents.
Chapter 7, Page 291
Chapter 7, Page 273
Learning Materials
Week 8 - Magnetostatic Fields: Flux Density and Stoke's Theorem
Application of the Ampere’s circuital law in calculating magnetic field intensity for symmetric current distributions. Introduction to the Curl concept, Stoke’s theorem and Magnetic flux density.
Chapter 7, Page 302, 318
Chapter 7, Page 283, 289
Learning Materials
Week 9 - Magnetostatic Fields: Magnetic Field in a Medium
Application of the Magnetic force. Introduction to Magnetisation and effects of magnetisation. Application of the magnetic – magnetic boundary conditions.
Chapter 8, Page 352
Chapter 8, Page 317
Learning Materials
Week 10 - Magnetostatic Fields: Inductance and Magnetic Energy
Introduction to the concept of inductances. Application on Energy density and Energy storage within a magnetic field.
Chapter 8, Page 372
Chapter 8, Page 334
Learning Materials
Week 11 - Electromagnetic Fields: Faraday's Law and Electromotive Force
Migration from time invariant electromagnetic field to phenomena involving dynamic or time varying electric and magnetic fields. Discussion on Faraday’s law and its applications for cases pertaining to static circuit time-varying field, moving circuit static field and moving circuit time varying field.
Chapter 9, Page 425
Chapter 9, Page 383
Learning Materials
Week 12 - Electromagnetic Fields: Ampere's Circuital Law and Displacement Current
Application of Maxwell’s equation in the explanation of displacement current density. Applications of Maxwell’s equation in good dielectric and lossy dielectric materials.
Chapter 9, Page 439
Chapter 9, Page 393
Learning Materials
Week 13 - Electromagnetic Fields: Materials and Wave Propagation
Plane wave propagation within free space, lossy dielectric and lossless dielectric.
Chapter 10, Page 482
Chapter 10, Page 427
Learning Materials
Week 14 - Electromagnetic Fields: Wave Propagation and Poynting Vector
Plane wave propagation within a conductor. Application of the Poynting vector.
Chapter 10, Page 482
Chapter 10, Page 427
Learning Materials